Labels:bulletin board | daily | earth | gazette | sky OCR: McAssemblyM 17 1 1986 by Signature Software Written by Dave Mcwherter This progr am charew + may be freely distributed on electronic BBS's hew I you be distributed part ot product for sale without the expr ess written permission of Signature Software (which will be freely given non- profit organiza ations.) It may not be softstripped without the express written permission of Signature Soft ware This notice may not be removed f you use the program then p sase regi ster by sending $50 .00 Ceeeh to gna ure tware (checks payab to same 2151 Broun Ave Bensa em PA 19020 15 6398764 AlI regis terees receive the fol lowing manua es vers ion ymbol debugger edi tor standard sys tem equate anc es examp MDS conver ion hour hotI ine suppor (Supp) lied on an 800K otherwise reques ted AR honest Bnd his she ...